Wednesday 23 May 2007

Into Canada

After a bit more shopping in Seattle, we rode the monorail down to Seattle Centre, to see what else was there. The monorail dates from 1962, and they're still using the original cars. They've done nearly a million miles each.

After lunch, it was down to the waterfront, for the Victoria Clipper to Victoria. The boat is a high speed catamaran, and although it wasn't a rough crossing we'd both had enough of the bouncing motion by the time the two and a half hour journey was over! Great views of Seattle as we left though.

Canadian immigration was far friendlier than its US equivalent! Victoria is the capital of British Columbia, and has an elegant and genteel feel. It has some great buildings, including the legislative building.

But after dark, for reasons best known to themselves, they prefer to make it look like something out of the Blackpool illuminations.

Fortunately, Canada gets American television. So we were able to catch Seattle-born Apollo Anton Ohno winning this season of Dancing with the Stars!

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