Tuesday 15 May 2007

Rogue River

Up early this morning, ready for an 8am trip up the Rogue River on a jet boat. We went with Jerry's www.roguejets.com/index.html and got good deal when we went to buy the tickets last night. We'd planned to do the 64 mile round trip, but they weren't running one today, so they offered us the 104 mile round trip for the price of the shorter one.

The scenery up the river was spectacular, and we saw oprey, eagles, deer, turtles, and a black bear. But the trip was far more than just a sightseeing one. We had to shoot the rapids, and our driver, Tom, was vey keen on spinning the boat and generally getting us as wet as possible!

We're spending a second night in our cabin by the ocean at Gold Beach. We again went down to the beach to watch the sun go down and the tide come in. It was much warmer than last night, as there was no cold wind, and we saw two seals playing in the waves.

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